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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Shoes: Change

Change, often, is like a new shoe.

At first, the need.
To buy or not to buy? To change or not

Then, the considerations.
Is this a better shoe than the one I have? A change for the better?
At what price? How much is too much? How much am I willing to stretch?

And, then finally come the moments of truth when we wear the shoes to walk through new ways. Or perhaps on old roads.
Well, who really focuses on the scenery when one is nagged by a vague, weird feeling of discomfort from a fit which is a wee bit too snug...Or if one is nursing angry blisters.

Until the shoes are broken in or shall we say, we are reconciled to the change, one has to continously resist an overwhelming urge to shake the tightly encased feet, hoping for a little more breathing space down there. But, once you get past the blisters and the snug fit, the newness wears off and comfort levels rise the change is no longer a change, but a well worn comfortable habit.

And, how would you know when change knocks at your doors?
Just as you know when its time to trade in a well worn pair of shoes...

It is time for change when there is an ache in the soul..when the familiar no longer delights us but instead, fills our being with a sense of jaded tiredness and self loathing. Sometimes, every now and then, we come across a thought that grips our hearts and fills us with an undescribable excitement and intense yearning to make it a part of our lives.
When this happens, you know that change is beckoning.

And when change comes calling, we can either stay. Or we can choose to run as fast as we can in our old worn shoes till the threadbare soles completely give away and then, my friend, is when change is gonna catch up & bite us hard on our bumms.


Monu said...

Nice post and comparison...
reminded me that i have been prolonging a Big 'shoe' shopping spree ! :-)

Appu the blogger said...

Good one..Jus felt u are trying to express a more deeper issue, life's frequent change issue, with this "changing shoes" subject.. A metaphorical touch... or am i thinkin too deep :p

any way "bloody miracle" is still the best for me!

Soul-Talkin said...

thanks Monu...
Lols Appu...yes, I did want to talk about a deep issue without turning it into a knotty issue..

Anonymous said...

well.... I think every change has same Analogy. Whts new in it....

Probably you must be thrilled to witness a "DISCOVERY"

Did you frsutrated on me..... Well I never want to hurt a feminine at any cost.....

Jokes Apart,

The best part is I feel happy about - Women talking about change.

Probably it may not be important statement, but there are crores and crores women who live like slaves in India, ofcourse across the Globe..... Porbably u could be a force to induce them indirectly..........

The word CHANGE gave birth to innumerable revolutions..... and thats wht drives the world..... CHANGE.............

I guess I have been too much philosophical...... am I bugging u lady?

Unknown said...

Change is great, however its does not wipe out the best of the past. When ever I buy a new pair of shoes i dont get rid of the old one coz i have molded it to suit my feet. well if you have not molded your old pair of shoes to fit you properly, you will never be happy with the new pair, coz you'll never be able to mould it to suit you. well, the only factor here is time and how you use it!!!

Malayali Peringode said...


nice :)

Soul-Talkin said...

@ Rehan
I think we are on two different wavelenghts...
No sweat...It happens...

Soul-Talkin said...

@ Daniel
Change most definitely does not wipe out the past...It does not call for a break from our yesterdays..

But I think the past must remain in the past and the warm lovely memories are all that we must carry forward with us...

And yes, not everyone throws out an old pair of shoes when he/she gets a new pair...But when the soles give way, it is only a matter of time before it is consigned to the trash bin, isn't it?

Ganges said...

Real soul talkin! Sets one thinking...good thinking and good writing!

Anonymous said...

You have a way with words.OIT cracked me up.Keep the vignettes coming.

Sidd said...

change is the only permanent thing in the world ... someone was so true when he made that stmt ...